CEO Mustafa Suleyman Talks About His Thoughts In An Interview 

dounder of ai

Mustafa Suleyman started Inflection with LinkedIn’s co-founder Reid Hoffman. Suleyman started creating artificial intelligence after leaving Google last year. The AI will not digress into racist, sexist, or violent behavior.

Inflection’s first AI is “PI” an AI assistant that’s commended as a much safer alternative to better-known chatbots like ChatGpt or Google Bard

 Suleyman has co-written a book named “The Coming Wave”. The book focused on AI’s regulation and the need to limit its potential threat. In a recent interview with the Associated Press, he shared some ideas and answered some questions. 

1. How should we be thinking of artificial intelligence at this juncture?

Ans. I honestly believe we are approaching an era of radical abundance. We are about to distill the essence of what makes us capable—our intelligence—into a piece of software, which can get cheaper, easier to use, and more widely available to everybody. As a result, everyone on the planet is going to get broadly equal access to intelligence, which is going to make us all smarter and more productive.

2. Isn’t there also a risk that part of the human brain starts to atrophy and we collectively become dumber?

Ans. I think we are trending in the opposite direction. We are adding masses of new knowledge to the corpus of global knowledge. And that is making everyone, on average, way, way smarter and discerning. These AIs are going to catch and develop your weaknesses. They are going to lift up your strengths. We are going to evolve with these new augmentations. We are going to invent new cultures, new habits, and new styles to adapt. If you look at the average American today, it's actually pretty remarkable how different he or she would be from the average American a century ago.

3. Your book talks a lot about the need to contain AI, but how do we do that?

Ans. We want to try to maximize the benefits while minimizing the harms. I think we have overcome this challenge many times before. Look at airline safety. It is unbelievably safe to get inside a tube at 1,000 miles an hour at 40,000 feet. We have made so much progress on every one of these new technologies. I think we should be far more inspired and encouraged by the progress we have made and fixate less on the anxiety that everything is going to go wrong. It isn't going to be easy, it is going to be strange and scary in many ways, but we have done it before and we can do it again.

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