How Did Mr. Krabs Die?

How Did Mr Krabs Die

You might have come across those TikToks of people showing their initial reaction to hearing the news about the death of Mr. Krabs from the SpongeBob SquarePants show. This has got you thinking about whether the creators of your favorite childhood show eliminated a character from it, in the more recent episodes. 

You have come to the right place looking for answers. In this article, I will be discussing “how did Mr. Krabs die” and more. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information on it!

Did Mr. Krabs Die?

Did Mr. Krabs Die_
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Sorry to burst your bubble right from the start but Mr. Krabs is not dead! I mean it is after all a children’s show, so it becomes very obvious that the creators wouldn’t give any of the characters a gruesome death. 

The hype surrounding the death of Mr. Krabs that you saw was only what you call – a “Creepypasta”. 

What Is Meant By A “Creepypasta”?

Creepypastas are images or legends related to the horror genre, which have been shared online. 

They come in very brief forms and are always user-generated tales/stories. These sorts of tales cover topics like suicide, murder, and also alien-occurrences. 

Murder Of Our Money-Loving Friend: Mr. Krabs

Murder Of Our Money-Loving Friend_ Mr. Krabs
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Now that we are done covering what Creepypastas are, let’s cover one of the most popular Creepypasta surrounding the supposed “how did mr krabs die” trend. 

The Court Document

Now onto answering your query which you have originally come here for – how did Mr. Krabs die? There was an online document that went viral real soon after being uploaded by an unknown person. The pdf was a court document highlighting the case surrounding the murder of Mr. Krabs. 

Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more about “how did mr krabs die” and more!

The Incident

Now onto getting some answers regarding “how did mr krabs die in Spongebob”. The document stated that the body of Mr. Krabs was found inside his restaurant “The Krusty Krab”. The condition that his body was found in was extremely gruesome – someone slit his throat. 

The coroner had concluded that the wound on Mr. Krabs’ body was made by using a metal spatula. The said spatula was also found placed right next to his body. A closer assessment of his body concluded the fact that he had also received blunt-force trauma to his head. 

The floor was also covered in a lot of grease and was slippery. The floor had a lot of footprints as well – including that of the character Spongebob. 

Who Might Have Killed Him Then?

The document had records of various other characters of the show – hinting towards Spongebob Squarepants to be the actual killer. 

Talking about motive, there’s another character in the show who is shown as a true enemy of Mr. Krabs and that is Plankton. 

Tip: Whoever made that document did not mention who killed mr. krabs in the document. It only had a few suspects listed in it.

Bonus: Squidward’s Suicide

Squidard’s Suicide
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This is yet another creepypasta story that is famous in the fan community. The story is also frequently referred to as the “Red Mist”. 

The story has been uploaded by an unknown intern at the Nickelodeon Studios who came across gruesome footage of Squidward killing himself. 

The footage begins with Squidward playing a piece on his clarinet for a small group of audience and the crowd booing him off. After that, the scene cuts to him in his bedroom looking solemn. 

Then some sudden flashes of dead children and blood are shown. The footage ends with Squidward then shooting himself with a gun. 

Here is a list of some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the show SpongeBob Squarepants which are just as interesting as “how did mr krabs die and who killed him”:

1. What happens in the final episode of the show?

A: Stephen Hillenburg stated that the story of Spongebob Squarepants ends with the movie of the franchise that was released in the year 2004. The events that take place in the movie titled “The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie” conclude the series. 
All the episodes that were produced after that movie take place before the events in the movie. 

2. Do the friends of SpongeBob represent the “7 Deadly Sins”?

A: The show creators have clearly stated that the characters of the show do not represent the “7 Deadly Sins” and that it’s just another fan theory. 

3. How come Pearl is the daughter of a Krab?

A: According to the official story of the show, Mr. Krabs was once married to a whale and then had a child with her which is Pearl. However, the mother has never been shown on the show before.

4. What species does Squidward belong to?

A: Despite his name resembling that of a Squid, he is an octopus. He is animated with six appendages that allow for a much smoother animation. This theory was explained in a short that was officially released in the year 2005.

Tip: If you missed out on my answer to “how did mr. krabs die?” then you can surely go back to give it a read.

To Wrap It Up!

Mr. Krab
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To remind you once again, the theories discussed above are purely fictional and user-generated. They are not on par with the actual storyline at all!

Thank you for reading this article up till the end. I hope you found the information regarding “how did mr krabs die” useful.

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