5 Healthy Habits Which Prevent You From Fever And Cold 

healthy habits

Some people have a tendency to catch colds and cough very easily. There are some prevention and protection that must be taken to prevent yourself from being sick. Some viral diseases spread very quickly but taking proper care can prevent the germs from spreading in the respiratory system. 

Viruses like influenza, which causes flu, are spread due to close contact. Flu lasts for three to four days and gives a mild illness to the body. And it spreads from person to person while sneezing and coughing. 

According to the CDC (the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) the best way to prevent these viral fevers and diseases is to take vaccines timely every year.

List of 5 Healthy Habits Which Prevent You From Fever And Cold

Diseases like viral fevers, cough and cold can be prevented by following some tips. Here’s a list of 5 healthy habits you have which will prevent you from fever and cold.

Avoid Close Contact

Avoid close contact

Most of the time fever and other viral diseases are transferred to each other by coming in close contact. Avoid coming in contact with anyone while you are sick or someone else is sick.

If you come in close contact with someone who is suffering from viral fever or cold, you may get affected by them. Similarly when you are sick and suffering from fever or cold avoid close contact with anyone. 

If you stay in contact while you are sick it is harmful for them as well as for you. Therefore, it’s better to stay away from everyone when you are not well.

Maintain a minimum distance to keep others safe and protect yourself from getting affected too. This is one of the best healthy habits that should be maintained to prevent fever and cold.

Avoid Staying Outside When You Are Sick

Avoid staying outside when you are sick

Avoid going out and stay indoors when you are sick. Staying inside your home will help in protecting others from being sick. 

Pamela Kahn, a famous OCDE’s coordinators of Health and Wellness said “ Students and staff with influenza symptoms including fever, a cough or sore throat should stay home and not attend classes or participate in other group activities for at least 24 hours the fever resolves without the use of fever-reducing medications.”

Well this is absolutely true. When you are sick going to school, colleges, and workplaces must be avoided at least till the fever gets resolved. This will prevent you from getting more infected and prevent others from getting affected by you.

This is one of the healthy habits that must be followed to prevent yourself from getting affected by viral fever and cold.

Cover Your Nose And Mouth

Cover your nose and mouth

Nose and mouth should be covered while coughing or sneezing as most of the communal diseases get spread while coughing and sneezing. 

Eventually it will prevent others from getting ill, if you cover your nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing. Some viral diseases like Flu, severe acute respiratory syndrome spread through coughing and sneezing. 

This is one of the most important points to be kept in mind to prevent yourselves and others from getting affected. Covering your nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing is one of the healthy habits that prevents various diseases.

Wash Your Hand Frequently

Wash your hand frequently

Washing your hands timely is very important whether you are sick or not. Washing your hands frequently will help you in preventing many communal diseases. According to the doctors, hands must be washed for more than 20 seconds to clean the germs. 

There’s an easier method to keep a count while washing your hands, you can just start humming the happy birthday song from the beginning and and continue it twice while washing your hands. 

It will take exactly 20-25 seconds. In case daily soap or water is not available, hand rubs based on alcohol will go. Washing your hands frequently will surely help in preventing sickness. This is one of the best healthy habits you must follow in your daily lives.

Eat Healthy Food

Eat healthy food

Having a healthy diet and eating good food can prevent various diseases. For some people who are picky when it comes to eating looks very challenging still there are several ways to do it. Adding some food in your diet will increase immunity and help to prevent sickness. 

The more you will have your body immunity, the more you will be able to fight with various diseases. Adding foods to your diet which have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties will provide strength to your immune system such as garlic, mushrooms. 

You can also have yogurt with berries. For kids, smoothie is the best way to make them consume it. There are various other ways to eat healthy food with better taste. Eating healthy food, having a proper diet, and regular exercise throughout the day. 

This is one of the healthy habits which must be followed to maintain proper health. It will strengthen the immune system.



Maintaining healthy habits, having a proper diet and proper exercise can prevent you from various diseases. There are various ways that can be followed for a healthy living. 

In this article i have mentioned the five healthy habits that must be followed to prevent. Thank you for reading the article till the end. I hope you found the article informative.

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