10 Funny Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend This Year

Are you bored at home while being stuck with your partner? How about you ask him a series of questions to pass the time? It would be for the best if you ask him funny questions for that matter — this is also a guaranteed way of making light of any situation.  

In this article, I will be discussing the top ten questions to ask your boyfriend. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about the same!

Funniest Questions You Can Ask Your Boyfriend

Here is a list of some of the funniest questions that you can get to ask your boyfriend this year:

1. What fictional character do you think you resemble the most?

It is always great to know about your partner’s likes and interests. Asking this question would let you be able to know about the things that interest him, and aid you in using them to maybe surprise him in the future with this knowledge.

2. What is the craziest thing that you have ever done in your life?

This is always a fun question to ask as the answers that come in return for asking this question are oftentimes hilarious. After you are done getting an answer to this, you will be able to get an idea of the limit of ‘crazy’ that your boyfriend is willing to be able to go to.

3. What would be one useless skill that you possess?

This question is one of the more fun questions to ask your boyfriend about. After all, a relationship is one such place where being silly is totally allowed and even appreciated.

4. What is one conspiracy that you believe in?

This is rather one of the deep questions to ask your boyfriend. Conspiracies are always interesting things to discuss. Ask him whether he believes in aliens, or maybe is a flat-earther secretly. There are also a lot of people who secretly believe that this world we are living in is a simulation. 

5. If you were invisible for a whole day what would you do?

This is a funny question we all have at least once in our lives, pondered on! Make this an active topic for discussion with your partner. Discussing these sorts of questions gives you the chance to get to know your boyfriend better. You are going to be able to determine the level of creative thinking that your boyfriend has. 

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6. What is one such cartoon character whom I resemble the most?

He will approach this question cautiously indeed but this is a much-needed question to ask. See what answer he comes up with, and look for traits and quirks that the cartoon character has. This will let you be able to know about your own traits and quirks as well.

Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information on “questions to ask your boyfriend”!

7. What is one of your worst habits?

This is not one of those typical romantic questions to ask your boyfriend to make him laugh. Rather you can ask this question to get to know your boyfriend a bit more on a friendly level. The only catch is you have to accept him for him – with every bit of his worst qualities as well. 

8. Would you rather be a zombie or a vampire?

A question that should have been asked right on the first date itself, because come on, this is of MUCH relevance. It is very important to know whether a person is a team zombie or a team vampire.

This is also one of the more juicy questions to ask your boyfriend as you can definitely use this knowledge for roleplaying a bit later on!

9. What is the best kind of butter out there?

A nonsensical but funny question to ask your partner. There are a lot of different kinds of butter out there of varying brands as well. Asking this random question to your partner will guarantee a laugh for sure but at the same time, this question is a bit controversial as well, who knows? Your partner might be a lot more serious about butter brands.

10. What would you do if you got locked in a mall overnight?

Don’t forget to post the answer to this in the comments section. This one’s very interesting to get to know about. While most people would definitely answer by running away after looting stuff – there are also a lot of creative ones out there as well. 


Here is a bonus funny question that you can ask your boyfriend about:

11. Can you think of a time when you were pranked by someone?

Sharing funny memories like these is bound to make you both bond moreover laughter and the creativity behind the prank. You can use this knowledge to lay a foundation regarding any future pranks that you can play on him. 

12. Tell me about the weirdest hobby that you might have had!

Asking this question to your partner is bound to open up a story time. Remember to be accepting of the hobby that he shares and do not make fun of him for it. Well, you can certainly roast him lightly but make sure not to overdo it. Topics like these are funny indeed but you never know what awaits in their answers.

To Wrap It Up!

You can ask your partner the series of questions that I have mentioned in the article above to have a fun banter to pass the time. Don’t forget to let me know in the comments how it went!

Thank you for reading this article up till here. I hope you found the information regarding “questions to ask your boyfriend” useful.

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