A 3-Year-Old Child Who Died On Texas Bus Trip Reports Shows: She Had A Fever Before She Boarded

Migrant Child

A very sad incident occurred on Thursday when a 3-year-old Venezuelan girl riding a bus from Texas to Chicago died during the journey. The autopsy report said that she already had a milled fever and other symptoms before she boarded the bus.

 According to a statement by Marion County (Ill.) Coroner Troy Cannon,

“The child had reportedly begun experiencing mild symptoms and began feeling ill as the family boarded the bus in Brownsville,”

At that point, she had a low-grade fever only, and was allowed to board the bus.” 

This incident made a new rule for the Taxes bus union that “no passenger presented with a fever or medical concerns.” On the bus ride, Jismary experiences vomiting and later loses consciousness after losing consciousness she is admitted to the hospital where the doctors declare that she is deceased.

Later the bus passengers went for a medical and body temperature measurement test by the U.S. Border Patrol.

They said, 

Following this check, no passenger presented with a fever or medical concerns

Jismary also tested positive for rotavirus and norovirus in her intestine and there are some RSV in her lungs.

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News Source: https://shorturl.at/hIQZ6

Image Source: https://shorturl.at/rvET5

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